Casas P10

Casas P13

Casas T1-T10

Casas W1-W8

Reverse polarity
Reverse polarity is necessary when both direct and inverse voltages (anodic attack) must be injected into the same bath. Powerel realizes this type of rectifiers, interposing one or more reverse modules in the rectifier structure. All the reverse modules are static with the use of MOSFET and controlled by the machine CANBUS allowing inversion times extremely fast. In the modular rectifiers each inversion module supports a maximum current of 1000 Amp if air cooled and 1250 Amp if water cooled.

Full reverse
It is the classical construction where the same quantity of current is requested in DIRECT and REVERSE mode. To exemplify if is required 10000 Amp direct and 10000 Amp reverse, the rectifier will be provided with 10 modules with direct current and 10 reverse, total 20 modules.

Parzial reverse
If need to have a lower REVERSE current than the DIRECT current, Powerel is able to construct a rectifier in able to meet this need. The saving compared to one with total inversion is particularly noticeable where the difference between DIRECT and INVERSE it is remarkable. To exemplify if 10000 Amp direct are rquested and 3000 Amp reverse only, will be realized a rectifier with 10 modules with direct current and 3 inversion only, total 13 modules.

Características Técnicas

Alimentación Trifásico de 400 V CA sin neutro
Currents supplied for module MAX 1000 A
Voltages supplied for module MAX 100 V
Power for module MAX 16 kW
Controlled modules
(parallel or series)
MAX 32
Modules for tower Max 10, suggested 6 for transport limit
Standard efficiency 85%
Maximum efficiency 88%
Range power adjustment 2% ÷ 100%
Ripple <= 2% (<1% on demand)
Dielectric insulation 3500 V RMS
Serial connection Profinet, Profibus, Canopen, RS485 ASCII, RS485 Modbus-RTU, RS232, 0-10V, 0-20mA
Max environment themperature 40° C
Maximum humidity 85%
Protection and maintenance Short circuit, over temperature, electronic cards tropicalisation, epoxy painted or zinc plated metal parts, air filters (if expected), electronics part protection.
Cooling Air forced
Protection and maintenance It is always possible to add one or more modules to increase the power of the rectifier.
Integrated electronic All the electronic of the rectifier is contained in only one card easily replaceable.

Pesos y medidas

Desde A Casas Dimensiones l, f, a Peso
100 A - 6 V 100 A - 20 V P10 250 x 585 x 250 mm 27 kg
200 A - 6 V 200 A - 20 V P13 280 x 610 x 387 mm 38 kg
500 A - 6 V 500 A - 20 V T1 545 x 715 x 460 mm 84 kg
1000 A - 6 V 1000 A - 20 V T2-T10 545 x 715 x 240 mm 60 kg
500 A - 6 V 500 A - 20 V W1 545 x 715 x 460 mm 84 kg
1250 A - 6 V 1250 A - 20 V W2-W8 545 x 715 x 240 mm 60 kg

(Ejemplo de configuraciones, otras soluciones disponibles)

(Each reverse module supports a maximum current of 1000 Amp and require the same space as a power module. For the correct dimensioning of the rectifiers add to the required power modules the necessary inversion modules and refer to the table in the chapter «Modular rectifiers».)